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The Less-Than-Perfect Rider:

Overcoming Common Riding Problems

by Lesley Bayley, Caroline Davis

Book Description Sound riding instructions as well as a program of exercises that will improve a rider's confidence and ability and make riding the pleasure it was meant to be.

Inside Flap Copy Riding is a demanding and at times frustrating sport. Every rider encounters problems and experiences feelings of inadequacy, whether attempting to master a particular dressage movement or summoning up the courage to jump a difficult course. All riders, from novices to top competitors, often permit their physical or emotional shortcomings to overwhelm them. Consequently, in The Less-Than-Perfect Rider Lesley Bayley and Caroline Davis focus on the topics that, in their experience, are of the greatest concern to riders:

Bayley and Davis offer sound riding instruction as well as a program of exercises that will improve a rider's confidence and ability. Once shortcomings-real or imagined-are understood and addressed, riding will become the pleasure it was meant to be.

Comments This book would be great for someone just starting out riding, and having "issues" that need solving. The book is packed with pictures and accompanying descriptions. It covers basic flat work and jumping.

The book has many photographs (some in color) that show typical riding faults and how to correct them.

There are some really good suggestions for off-the-horse exercises. This book is ideal for adults getting back into English (as opposed to Western) riding - especially if you rode when you were so small that the only way to grip was with your knees (not the way to ride!). Great information about human and equine bodies as well.